22 t/m 24 maart 2024 | |
Heeze | |
In March 2024, the Heezer Komedie will once again go wild in 't Perron! The Heezer Komedie plays on Friday evening March 22 (8 p.m.), Saturday evening March 23 (8 p.m.) and Sunday afternoon March 24, 2024 (2 p.m.) the tragi-comedy "What do we do with Jenny?", in three acts by D.R. Wilde and adapted by André Verhees. Director André Verhees, together with the actors, set designers, lighting and sound technicians, make-up artists and all other members, is practicing hard to bring another fantastic play to the stage soon. We are looking forward to it!
We would like to invite you to come and see this performance.
You can reserve tickets via Yvonne Cuijten +31 6 1341 1424
The content of the play:
Hello, Fed up with being alone, I took a friend, started painting and singing in a band.
My grown-up children think that as a seventy-year-old I should behave according to my age but I feel young and am still full of zest for life. I can't let them talk me out of my own house to waste away in an apartment somewhere in Eindhoven!
Greetings, Jenny
See you at the Heezer Komedie!