Food and drinks

Masterful in the culinary field

A suitable plate for every eater

As small as the municipality is, Heeze-Leende excels in the culinary field. Burgundian hospitality and Brabant sociability are of paramount importance. In this region a lot of attention is paid to eating and drinking together. The diversity of restaurants is impressive. From brasserie to teahouse, from simple lunchroom to two-star restaurant, a suitable location can be found for every taste and budget. Many restaurants and cafes have fantastic locations.

History is tangible

Almost every establishment has a long history. A building with an interesting story, for example, is national monument 't Brouwershuis in Leende. Built in 1815 and put into use as a brewery. The last 50 years it served as a hotel and café. Today, the fully restored building is a live/work location for people with disabilities and houses various functions such as a day-kaffee and a B&B. At the top of the list of culinary delights is Tribeca. Right from its opening (2017), this restaurant was awarded two stars in the Michelin Guide. The masterful dishes are praised for their refinement and fantastic taste experience.

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