Upside down on the Strabrechtse Heide

An adventurous exploration at the Forestry Commission

Meer informatie bij boswachter Erik Schram via 040-2065668

Will you also come to the Strabrechtse Heide? Use your eyes, ears, nose and hands and discover what lives and grows on the heath. A tour with stories about the troll king and the rainbow, the perfume of the heath and about real soil giants....

Upside down on the Heath is an adventurous discovery tour at Staatsbosbeheer where you use all your senses. Fun for the whole family or to do with your class!

  • Price: € 5, plus deposit for the bag with field materials.
  • Length of route: 2.5 km
  • Suitable for baby carriages
  • Registration not necessary, except for large groups

Area: Strabrechtse Heide
Duration: 1-2 hours

Starting point:
Heidecafé De Strabrechtse Heide
Plaetse 71A
5591 TX Heeze